
2024-11-05 08:26:4821阅读

中秋节快乐!How to say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in English?



1. What’s the proper way to say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in English?

别慌,别慌!我们先来理一理。中秋节的英文叫 Mid-Autumn Festival,没错,就是这么直白!所以,最直接的表达就是 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 听起来是不是很有范儿?

当然啦,你也可以说 Happy Mid-Autumn Day! 这两种说法都是很常见的,随便你选!

2. Can I say "Happy Moon Festival" or “Happy Mooncake Day?”


Happy Moon Festival! 听起来是不是很有诗意?


Happy Mooncake Day! 嗯哼,更贴近咱们过节的主题,毕竟月饼可是中秋节的主角!

3. What are some other ways to say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival”?


1. Wishing you a happy and prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival! 这句话除了表达祝福,还包含着对对方的美好祝愿,是不是很贴心?

2. Enjoy the full moon and delicious mooncakes! 直接点明中秋节的特色,让人感受到节日气氛!

3. May your Mid-Autumn Festival be filled with joy and laughter! 充满祝福和温暖,一定会让对方感受到你的真诚!

4. How can I write a short greeting card for Mid-Autumn Festival in English?



Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Wishing you a joyful celebration filled with delicious mooncakes and laughter.

Best wishes,



Happy Mid-Autumn Day!

May the full moon bring you joy, prosperity, and good fortune.

With love,



Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

May your celebration be filled with the warmth of family and the sweetness of mooncakes.



5. What are some Mid-Autumn Festival activities that I can talk about in English?


Here are some activities you can talk about:

Activities English
赏月 Admire the moon
吃月饼 Eat mooncakes
和家人朋友团聚 Gather with family and friends
放孔明灯 Release sky lanterns
在户外野餐 Have a picnic in the outdoors
参加中秋节晚会 Attend a Mid-Autumn Festival party
给家人朋友送礼物 Give gifts to family and friends
阅读关于中秋节的诗歌或故事 Read poems or stories about the Mid-Autumn Festival
观看中秋节相关的电影或电视剧 Watch movies or TV shows related to the Mid-Autumn Festival


I’m so excited to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with my family!

We always have a big feast with delicious mooncakes and lots of laughter.

This year, I’m going to try making my own mooncakes!

I love the feeling of peace and joy that comes with the Mid-Autumn Festival.

是不是觉得中秋节英文表达起来也很简单呢?现在就拿起你的手机,用英文和朋友们说声“Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”吧!

